are you tracking these trends?
The American Alliance of Museums and its Center for the Future of Museums recently released their annual report on cultural trends that are uppermost on museum executives’ minds. Are they on your mind too?
Pandemic Takeaways: WDAV Reaches New Audiences
Thanks to the pandemic, WDAV’s events-driven marketing efforts took a sharp turn into the digital space. Here are a few of the things they’ve learned.
Pandemic Takeways: Carolina Raptor Center Goes Digital
Carolina Raptor Center executive offers up pandemic-inspired activities the organization has taken and will likely expand going forward.
Your Community Is Worried About Job Training. Are You?
At a time when nonprofits struggle to secure support, the surest path to relevance and fundraising success is to work on the problems that most concern the community. News Flash: the community is worried about jobs and job training.
Innovative Nonprofits in the Covid Era
Innovative nonprofits and creative-types are using Covid’s New Normal to evaluate their business models and audience engagement efforts for new opportunities. Check-out these real-life examples for inspiration!